08 December 2006

晚饭后,独自踱步在校园,心情特别的放松与宁静。所以,一直无以为然的校园广播,今天却听得特别清楚。播音员给大家念了一篇叫做“大学生在校必做的25件事”的文章。但其实当他在读的时候,到底是哪25条我已不关心了。因为在我看来是没有什么事是规定某一个人必做的,人为什么喜欢用那么多的条条框框来压迫自己,要拿那么多的泛泛的标准来衡量自己?Drive your way! 真的,做人做的自然一点会比较快乐。


没有谁能规定你在大学里要好好学习,年年拿奖学金;没有谁能规定你在大学里要谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱;没有谁能规定你要出去兼职... ...一切的一切规定你的只有你是自己。

当我见到这些人的时候我心伤了:同学A, 一有时间就往教室抑或图书馆跑,只因为考研,而更悲的是只因为别人都人在考。同学B,一进校园就慌忙谈起了恋爱,只因为他曾在杂志上读过没有爱情的大学是不完美的大学。同学C,天天早出晚归,只为陪朋友,交朋友,累不说,经济更是窘迫,只因为学长跟他说过,“交际”是大学的必修,“关系”比什么都来的重要。还有同学D、E、F... ...

relentless pursuit of perfection

Lexus RX400h - World’s First Gas/Electric Hybrid-Powered Luxury SUV

RX400h is the word’s first gas/electric hybrid powered luxury SUV. RX400h is quicker than most of 6 cylinder SUV with smooth and quiet power train, improved fuel efficiency, and lower emissions, while sacrificing none of its luxury or utility.

The RX400h incorporates an advanced “Lexus Hybrid Drive” system that combines the 3.3 liter V6 gasoline engine with a high-torque electric drive motor-generator, plus a rear electric drive motor-generator to provide on road all-wheel drive capability.

The RX400h is just one of the Lexus models balancing two disparate features by being revolutionary and creative among the Lexus Lineup. Not only does the RX400h make a vivid and incisive statement with heady power, flawless operation and control elements and a dynamic, elegant look for an unforgettably triumphant driving experience, the RX400h establishes a solid foundation as a leading brand in the domain of hybrid drive research and development.

With the combine system output of approximately 272 hp (200kW)*, the RX400h delivers rapid acceleration with unexpected fuel economy. At 7.6 seconds, acceleration from 0-100km/h is quicker than many of 6 cylinder competitors.

The RX400h’s EC combined fuel economy rating of 8.3 liter/100km far exceeds any of other luxury SUVs and marks 36 percent(manufacturer’s test data) edge over RX350. Furthermore, it is even better than many of medium sized sedans.

Externally, the RX 400h differs in subtle ways from the RX 350. The RX 400h features a revised grille, a new front fascia with additional air intake, sporty round fog lamps, Aluminum ring design LED (Light Emitting Diode) tail lamps, and the new badgings. in which “h” stands for Hybrid. There is HYBRID on the end of the side mall, 400h, highlighted in blue, on the rear bumper is also easy to recognize, which shows the standard badgings for RX400h to be applied worldwide. Inside, brushed metallic accents replace wood trim, and a power meter replaces the tachometer.

(from http://en.lexus.com.cn/news/release_rx400h_20061118.html)

07 December 2006


“红旗” ,当初一度被公认为是荣誉和地位的象征,是中国的劳斯莱斯。但是,面对蜂拥而至的外国车系,由于技术的有限,营销手段的不成熟,又一度被外国品牌车所淹没。的确,不管是从外形还是技术上说,“红旗”都是不具备很大优势的。在行政车市场中,audi和buick似乎更胜一筹,因为他们既沉稳又不缺乏时尚与动感,技术就更甭提了。


HQ3是一承载着一汽集团与中国汽车自主品牌未来梦想的红旗高端豪华轿车。源于toyota顶级平台的majesta车型,相当于Lexus平台技术,并且在此基础上实现了品质上的飞跃,配置方面优于同级别车型。有4.3L和3.0L两个系列产品,价位在50万至70万元之间。车身尺寸为长4965mm/宽1795mm/高1485mm,轴距达到2850mm。车身侧面曲线流畅,风阻系数仅仅为0.27,达到世界顶级水平。红旗HQ3作为第一款自主品牌的豪华轿车,还额外增加了许多高科技设备,无形中增加了整车的价值,例如:夜视系统、主动碰撞系统、自适应头灯系统、蓝牙免 持、语音导航以及抬头显示等。舒适豪华性也被提升到一个新的高度,后排乘客可以享受后排顶置9英寸自动折叠DVD、全车由14支扬声器组成的音响系统,以 及通过后座中央扶手上的按键对后排独独立空调、音响、座椅等各项功能进行控制。要论配置的豪华与齐全,红旗HQ3已经超过了目前大部分同级别合资品牌的国产高档轿车,与进口豪华车相比也毫不逊色。


中国需要豪华品牌,但绝对不能只是为别人造或是进口的BMW, M-Benz,Acura ... ... ,更需要的是自己的民族品牌--“红旗”。

晕菜,是不是该锻炼了哦... ...

There're always some people keeping suggesting me to find a GF, and tell me that you should seize the chances, not just await and await. But I give them the same answer"I'm not good enough to make a ideal one even find one,not speaking of seizing one" every time. Surely they will take up the ball"how is your ideal one like? come on ,don't be so exigent". Then I become to be wordless. To be honest, my criterion is really high, even sounds a little bit unpractical.
Whatever, I know as everyone, criterion is nothing when some kind of feeling is coming. But what I really care is my incapability to give my GF happiness(if i had one) now. No enough money, no enough time, no enough energy... ...
And most importantly, I'm the guy who will do my utmost to entertain my GF and make her be proud of me once I had one. Since I'm really a romantic guy, too, I'm sure she will enjoy lots of move to be mine. All in all, both of us should have the extreme happy and satisfactory love life.
However, I can't now, now.So that isn't gonna happen today,tomorrow and the day after tomorrow till I can. Now what I should do is preparing myself.
In addition, I'd also like to create happy life with her once fate is coming, I admire it, it's wonderful to be hand-in-hand.

05 December 2006


“奔奔” “ 天语SX4” “ 福克斯(focus)” “volvos40” “蒙迪欧”-----重庆
“奔奔”是重庆长安集团第一款自主轿车,由集团和世界著名的意大利汽车设计公司I.D.E.A联合设计打造的。最让我惊喜的是它的车标,颇具西方的格式。这证明它的设计、生产理念肯定是非常先进的。毋庸置疑,QQ 有对手了。
“天语SX4”,2006.11.28 长安铃木首款中级车正式下线。
2006年3月20日, Volvo(沃尔沃)汽车公司新任总裁兼首席执行官正式宣布“Volvo S40”豪华轿车将在长安福特重庆工厂投产。一听到这个消息,就高兴的不得了。这部相当于,来了“宝马”? 

04 December 2006


我想念已遥远的想念 ... ...

永远永远 ... ...


泪流满面 ... ...

想念想念 ... ...





只为用语言记录思想,用文字装饰自己! 生命中任何值得珍藏的点滴 都会是这座"思之楼"
当然,那本存放着我的内心最深 处的日记,就成为那楼阁中的藏经喽!:)